
Yesterday I started chemo. This was a very daunting experience. It's all because of the unknown...that's the crazy part. Every person reacts so differently. The nurses were wonderful. My doc-concerned and perscribed lots of anti-nausea medicine, so I am thinking positively. Keep your fingers crossed.

Julie went with me and became my rock, my hand to hold and laughs to share. We actually checked out wigs after the whole expereince. I had to do something to have a little joy in the day. I am happy we began because I thought my lung issue would delay things. When you make your mind up to start something, it's a "just do it" situation. Now I am endorsing Nike...go figure.

Thank you for all the prayers and wishes as always, I love you all.
More game time stats coming soon....


Katie said...

Hi Sara, I am trying to post comments. Mine have not gotten through. Tiegan was born tonight. 2lbs, 1 oz. All is well. We will talk tomorrow. Love You. Katie

drpete said...

Hi, Sara. I know you have lots of support from people who have gone through this - Still, nothing prepares you - lots of love and support coming your way - love you. Terrie and Pete

sdowning said...

So great to see you last night. You looked great and we were thrilled the kids could join the swim party. I'm just a phone call away if you need anything. Hope you are feeling well today and that I'll see you tomorrow.

The Masters said...

Hey, Sara...
You were on my mind all day Friday. We pray for you everyday. Keep "playing the game!"
Hope you are feeling well...My mom's friend never did get sick from chemo. I pray you have the same result.
We love you!!!
Mary, Jim and the boys

The Masters said...

Hey, Sara...
You were on my mind all day Friday. We pray for you everyday. Keep "playing the game!"
Hope you are feeling well...My mom's friend never did get sick from chemo. I pray you have the same result.
We love you!!!
Mary, Jim and the boys

Unknown said...

Hi Sara,

Glad to hear that everything did get to go as planned. Will keep checking in on the blog to see how things are. We are all thinking of you and praying for you over here!

With love,

elayden said...

Hi Sara!
I am thinking of you everyday! You are so brave and strong, I know you can do this! We added you to the prayer chain at church, I hope you don't mind.

kristen said...

Hi Sara,
Sure has been a long time... Maya sent me your blog address after we ran into each other at a hockey game in Denver. So glad to have reconnected for so many reasons. What a beautiful family you have!! I look forward to catching up when you are up to it. In the mean time, you are in my thoughts and prayers...
Always, Kristen Crossman

Unknown said...

Hi Sara, this is Joan nd Al Dehnert and we want you to know you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Please put us on your team or on the side line as cheerleaders. I may not be the most attractive cheerleader but I still have some great moves.

Love, Al and Joan

Debbie said...

Dear Sara-
Just found have my constant thoughts, prayers, and love. Let me know if you need anything...I have good references!

staceyshepard said...

Hi, Sara!
I know we haven't been in touch in FOREVER, but please know that I am praying for you. I am walking in the Avon 2 Day breast cancer walk in June and you are one of the many reasons why. Stay strong.
love, Stacey Berns Shepard

Molly Lambert said...

Dear Sara and Dave,

Know how much you are in our hearts and prayers each day.
Hope the week went smoothly. Thanks so much for allowing us to share this time with you.

Hank and Molly

CKCINeville said...


Games are to be played using all abilities and resources at your disposal. Games show what you are really made of; they exposed what is great and not so great about yourself and your teammates. Games have momentum swings; no one knows why - they just happen. We pray everyday so that you and your family keep each other going. Finally, games have winners; and that is what you, Dave, your kids, and your entire family are. Win this game!! :)

With love,
Chris, Krissi, Charlie, and Issi