End of the First Quarter

Well, it's just time for this quarter to end...I don't know time wise if it will be accurate, but we're ready to move on!

Yesterday was chemo 3 of the first set, a very happy day. It only means I have one left of the really hard stuff (AC). So 6 weeks from yesterday I begin another set of chemo drugs, ones with less severe side effects. I'll fill you in as I go. As for now, I just hope I keep feeling well and don't get these pesky mouth sores or fever(that happened again). I've been fortunate as always to have a great husband, humorous as he is, to take over the kids and house. My coworkers are constantly signing up on a calendar to bring food. I can't remember the last time I cooked!

Which leads me to our next situation....we are putting our house on the market! I know many people will say "What is she thinking?" BUT, to my defense, we were preparing this before my diagnosis. We want to get closer to where Dave and I both work, as well as the action and friends (carting/ driving and activities will be easier to coordinate). We also want Harrison to start Kindergarten where he is going to be- so we will not land far away, in North Barrington or East. We want to stay in Barrington as we have ties, family and my job close by. So, the whole moving thing is not that scary or stressful. We have time to wait, a place to stay if we do sell and don't find a place (thanks Mom and Dad)and having cancer puts one at a whole new perspective...everything does not and is NOT perfect!

Our very good news is that Bridget had a MRI this week and everything is normal! What a relief and happy piece of information. We'll take it!!!! Now she continues her anti-seizure medication and has a follow-up EEG in May (which was abnormal- the part that makes us know she is having too much brain activity or seizures). But, she is her ever loving happy, energetic self.

Not to leave him out, Harrison started T-Ball and is thrilled. He is also counting down the days until THE Fishing Trip, one that I attended almost 30 years ago. Tradition is bliss!

That's all for now. Thank you to all who have been in touch. It's really neat, circumstances aside, to hear from so many people- from the past and far away and of course, everyone close by. I love it!
Here's my personal email if you want to avoid the post and get in touch sjkennicott@sbcglobal.net


Unknown said...

You truly amaze me. I hope that some day I can live my life with as much grace as you do.

Love you,

Terrie S said...

good to hear you are "coping". We think of you every day! Love Terrie and Pete