Well, I've been absolutely horrible with my updates. Ugh!
I could use the excuse that I've been too busy or tired, or my kids
take up my time when I'm at home or work is so crazy with the end of the year in sight. Take your pick, that's my excuse. But, as the saying goes, no news is good news.
Yes, I am almost (on Friday) done with 12 weeks of chemotherapy. On May 23rd I will begin a new 12 week regiment of drugs called Taxol and Herceptin. Taxol is the chemo drug that is not supposed to be as harsh as the last 2 (adriamycin and cytoxan). I am ssoooooo looking forward to that!!! After feeling wiped out and nauseous, then ok, then completely lethargic, I'm ready for a new reaction. Oh yeah, not to mention total hair loss, metal taste and sores in my mouth, and driving my husband crazy. I think you get the picture! Herceptin is an antigen because I am what's called Her-2 positive. It's a fast growing gene, which makes cancer cells grow (logically) fast. The drug herceptin actually blocks these cells from growing. I will receive this for 52 weeks...a long time, I know. However, I don't mind because it lessens the recurrence by 50%.
Here's a cute one...I was tucking Harrison in the other night and I bumped his head and apologized. (H) It's OK, Mom. Your head is a little itchy. (Me) I know, but my hair will grow back, honey. (H) Yeah, when you're done with cancer, Mom. When ARE you going to be done with cancer, Mom?
Some days are just like that. I really don't think of it that often. Just trying to make it day to day in life. It's actually a great thing to be caught up in my family, as it takes your mind off most anything. Speaking of, Bridget is doing well and will be seizure free on May 20 for 2 months. A great accomplishment. I have been working diligently on her summer plans including more speech therapy and seeking out a developmental and behavioral pediatrician. Keeping up with her appointments and mine is a full time job.
I WILL post again soon as I am waiting to hear about my MRI from last week. Should be interesting...I can't even feel the lump!!! Reading a new book that was a gift- Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips. Doesn't that peak your interest?
You look great in the picture from Mother's day. I am glad to hear that you are coming to the end of the first round....I hope the next one has fewer side effects. Your strength in amazing! Isn't it great to have kids get you through the tough times. We pray for you nightly. Love always,
The Schusters
Rah rah rah! Sis boom bah! Goooo, Sara!
Still cheering you on and praying for you all.
Lots of love,
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