First Quarter Standings

I am humbled by the amount of people who say they've visited this site. When I had a feeling what I had was cancer, I just dreaded telling people bad news. Dave looked at me like I had two heads. But, you never imagine yourself in this situation, especially at this time in your life.

Needless to say.....thank you. It's really all I can say right now.

It's Thursday, March 6th. I am feeling pretty good. The weekend was slow and somewhat foggy. Even Monday and Tuesday were sleepy days including a bit of nausea. However, yesterday seemed to be an awakening. I felt more like myself, breathing is easier, but we had a family moment to put us back in reality.

Most of you know what a special little girl our Bridget is. She has some developmental delays including speech. She is making progress and all her teachers love her- she is very huggy, loves to dance and is extremely happy. But, our sitter experienced a spell with Bridget. It's been the third time now. So in the midst of my doctors appointments, we have to figure out the puzzle of Bridget. If you're praying, please say one for her.

Tomorrow is my white blood cell check, then its two weeks' countdown to the next chemo treatment. Going to get the hair cut this weekend....short.

Game on...


drpete said...

Hi, Sara. Love you lots! We are thinking of all of you and praying too! Terrie and Pete

Schuster said...

Hi Sara! I checked every day this week hoping to hear something. I am glad that you are feeling almost yourself. Ben, Matt and I include you in our nightly prayers. love you

amy odonnell said...

Hi Sara,

It is your ol' train buddy, Amy O'Donnell. I heard of your news and have been thinking and praying for you! You have an amazing attitude and outlook and you're going to win this game! I will be cheering you on!

Take care,


Unknown said...

Keep on keeping on, my friend. You are an inspiration with your can do attitude!

We all have been keeping you in our prayers, Caitlin includes you all in her "prayers for people" each night.

Lots of love,

Unknown said...

Hi Sara,

I recently heard about what you are going through and wanted to let you know how many people "out here" are praying for you and your entire family. I hope your treatments get easier each time as your body figures out how to handle them one at a time.

My thoughts are with you and your family.

Our daughters are about the same age - if I remember correctly when we saw you at Lagendorf Park last summer. Our daughter Jessica will be three in early May. She also has some delays including speech and it's been somewhat stressful trying to figure everything out. I will keep Bridget in my prayers as well.

Hang in there and if you ever need anything, feel free to email or call -- my email is

Amy Domke (Amy Allaway)

Mechelle Lowmiller said...

Hi Sara,

This is Mechelle Lowmiller, Penney's daughter-in-law. I want you to know you, Dave, Harrison and Bridget are all in my prayers. I also want you to know I would like to help in any way I can; driving you to appointments, making meals, lending a sympathetic ear or just a hug. I won't share my mom's story here, but know I've been in the caregiver position and I would like to be here for you in any way you will allow me to. I am available 24/7 at either 815-356-6831(home), 815-382-3405(cell) or

I pray you have a good day today and many more ahead of you.

Take care.
Mechelle Lowmiller

Katie Kozlowski said...

With your gorgeous dimples, I don't think anyone will even notice the lack of hair... KK

Kathy K said...

Go Sara go-go for that touchdown!

Love, Kathy K

Kathy K said...


You are such an inspiration, not complaining and so positive. They say with the "C" word (having had it myself) a positive attitude is just as much a part of the healing process and the treatment. I bet Uncle VO is up there throwing red flags all over the place in protest of his sweet little Sara having to go through this hurdle. Lots of prayers for you and Bridget coming your way, and my love,

Love, Kathy K

Kathy K said...


You are such an inspiration, not complaining and so positive. They say with the "C" word (having had it myself) a positive attitude is just as much a part of the healing process and the treatment. I bet Uncle VO is up there throwing red flags all over the place in protest of his sweet little Sara having to go through this hurdle. Lots of prayers for you and Bridget coming your way, and my love,

Love, Kathy K

als said...

you are so brave and positive. keep it up!!! take one day at a time. you will get thru the chemo. my dad did it and so can you. we are praying for you, including my family. if you or dave need anything,just ask!
love,anna s.

Kevin Lambert said...

Hey Sara
Though your spirit and toughness are more than adequate weapons for you to wield throughout this battle, I want you to know that there are some advantages to not having much hair:
1- you save $ on shampoo
2- you can run from the police faster because of your aerodynamic features. did i say police? i meant you can run... just faster, if you want.
3- you can signal planes from the ground with the glare of the sun on your dome piece if you're lost and without a mirror or watch.
4- those bumps on your skull you never knew were there suddenly appear and take on personalities. mine are named Arnold and Beatrice. they are both psychologists and their daughter Pimple is looking to graduate soon.
5- you'll be a lock for the Sinead O'Connor look alike contest held every other year at the Moose Lodge of Ireland. i hear they're paying out free shepherd's pie and half a haggis to the winner; a deal if ever there was one.
6- get a weird tattoo on your neck and a ring through your nose and no one will mess with you, even in prison if the new 'do didn't actually help when you were running from the law.

love you and thinking of you. stay strong lady!